Happy Memory – Teeth

I was thinking about some of the funny and insaneĀ things that Ian and I would get ourselves into, and remembered this:

One night, he and I were hanging out listening to music and being silly. He, always one to push boundaries a little, and egged on by a conversation we’d been having, tried to slap me. I was having none of that, and we ended up wrestling around with our hands in each other’s faces, trying to get each other.

Eventually, we started biting each other, and he stuck his fingers in my mouth… By accident or on purpose, I really don’t know. So I bit down just enough that he couldn’t get his finger OUT… And he started trying to tickle the roof of my mouth, which is a very odd sensation. I laughed and let his finger go, and he stuck it right back in… I managed to close my teeth before he got it between them, so he started rubbing my teeth with his finger… Until they were squeaking. It was utterly bizarre and crazy and silly, and we both just cracked up laughing.

We had so much fun together.

Written 10/20/2014

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